Storage Places In Queens

moishe's self storageWhen your Queens, New York home starts feeling cluttered, particularly with holiday decorations that you only need once a year, you might find yourself thinking about additional storage options. Self-storage facilities present a convenient solution, enabling you to create more living space in your home while safely stowing away seasonal items until their time comes around again.

Let’s delve into what exactly you can safely tuck away in a self-storage unit, with a particular focus on holiday items:

  • Artificial Christmas trees, when not in use, can be disassembled and carefully packed in a box or bag. This keeps them safe from dust and accidental damage.
  • Delicate Christmas lights, prone to tangling, can be neatly wound and stored in a box. This practice not only prevents entangling but also protects them from dust and weather-induced wear and tear.
  • All the paraphernalia you need for gift wrapping – ribbons, scissors, rolls of wrapping paper – can be organized and stored in a storage unit, keeping them from cluttering your home.
  • Christmas ornaments, especially the breakable ones, need to be packed with care in a box or bag. Remember to label the box, so you know what it contains when the time comes to decorate again.
  • Seasonal outdoor decorations, like inflatable Santas or twinkling reindeer, take up a lot of space when not in use. A storage unit can conveniently house these larger items during off-season months.

When selecting a self-storage facility in Queens for your holiday decorations, it’s important to consider not just the space but also the temperature. Opt for a unit spacious enough to house all your belongings. If you live in a region with extreme temperatures, it’s wise to rent a climate-controlled unit to protect your decorations from damage due to heat or cold.

On another note, let’s discuss shared storage units. Storage units are versatile spaces suitable for storing anything from furniture to valuable art pieces. When budget constraints come into play, sharing a storage unit becomes an attractive option. It’s a misconception that only businesses rent storage spaces. On the contrary, many regular individuals also rent them.

Living costs, including housing and utilities, are on the rise in North York and elsewhere, which can eat into a family’s savings. In such a scenario, the cost of renting a storage facility can seem steep. This is why some individuals pool their resources to rent a single facility, significantly reducing the cost for everyone involved.

Sharing a storage unit means splitting the costs as well as the responsibilities. Maintenance is crucial for any storage space, and sharing the duties of keeping it clean and organized can make the task less daunting. Additionally, if you only need a small amount of extra space, sharing a storage unit could be a more cost-effective solution.

A shared self-storage unit is a particularly beneficial arrangement for college students, who often need extra storage space due to limited room in dorms. Renting a storage unit solo might strain a student’s budget, but splitting the cost with a roommate or a fellow student makes it an affordable solution. In fact, if the storage requirements are minimal, a group of students can rent a single unit and divide the space amongst themselves.

While there are many benefits to sharing a storage unit, it’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s crucial to weigh all the pros and cons, and most importantly, trust the person with whom you’re sharing the unit. Take your time, listen to your gut, and make an informed decision.

affordable storage nycIf you’re considering renting a storage unit in the Queens, New York area, we invite you to reach out to us at Moishe’s Self Storage. Our team of seasoned professionals is here to provide you with the best advice on the range of storage options and services we provide. Don’t hesitate to contact us today for a free estimate and a detailed review of our offerings. Together, we can help you maximize your storage budget.