11 Items That Are Vulnerable to Heat and Cold in Self Storage

Some items can be stored in a unit long term without climate-controlled capabilities. Regular clothes, cloth furniture, lamps, books, and metal are a few things that can be stored in a facility without temperature and humidity control. There are items, however, that need regulated temperature and humidity. Here’s a list of 11 items that are vulnerable to heat and cold in self-storage.

1. Electronics

Electronics are susceptible to fluctuating temperatures mainly because of battery life. If the battery cell gets too hot and too cold too often, it could drastically diminish the battery’s functionality. Cool to hot can crack plastic or make it brittle over time, too. Also, humidity can damage electronics. Keep these items away from moisture and in a climate-controlled unit if possible.

2. Art

Art, especially fine art, is exceptionally susceptible to fluctuating temperatures. The ink can fade or melt in hot temperatures. It can also cause thermal tensions, moisture reduction, and chemical reactions in some inks. Cool temperatures can solidify the ink and make the canvas brittle.

RELATED: Tips On How To Prepare Precious Artwork For Long Term Storage

3. Wine

Wine and fluctuation temperatures don’t go well together because it contracts and expands the bottle. The heat can also age the wine prematurely. The perfect temperature for wine is between 40 to 65 degrees.

4. Leather Furniture

Genuine leather doesn’t do well with fluctuating temperatures. The heat will dry out the material and crack when it becomes cooler.

5. Wood Furniture

Heat and humidity can be the demise of wood furniture. Over time, it can crack and rot the wood. Cool temperatures are generally okay for wood furniture storage, just avoid water.

6. Fine Clothing (lace or leather)

Delicate clothing items such as lace and leather do not do well with fluctuating temperatures. It’s vital to store these items in a ventilated area when in long-term storage.

RELATED: How To Store Hanging Clothing In A Mini Storage Unit

7. Antiques

Fluctuations in temperature can be extremely detrimental to antique furniture. Humidity and hot temperatures can damage these pieces. Likewise, cooler temperatures can contract the antiques and cause cracking. Keep these keepsakes in a climate-controlled unit.

8. Musical Instruments

Temperature can change the tone of musical instruments because of friction and tension. Violins and guitars, for example, will sound different in warmer temperatures than in cooler. This doesn’t mean this is good for it though. Avoid storing instruments in warmer temperatures for the longevity of the item.

9. Vinyl records

Vinyl records can become brittle in cool temperatures but return to their normal state after warming. Moving it from a cool place to a warmer place may cause water condemnation that will be to be wiped if not to harm the paper sleeve it’s stored in. Other than these precautions, vinyl records are okay in cooler and warmer temperatures.

10. Makeup

Makeup and heat don’t mix well because chemicals separate in hot temperatures. Oil and water, for example, won’t be a meshed mixture when heated. Some products only need a quick shake to re-combine the solution, others may be ruined if left in the heat for too long. Generally, makeup in cool weather won’t be affected once thawed to normal temperatures.

11. Photographs

High and cold temperatures can make photographs brittle and in the worst case, it may cause separation of the emulsion (image) from the support (paper base) of the photo. Humidity is what causes the most damage to photos. Keep photos in a climate-controlled unit for the best long-term care.

Moishe’s Self Storage can store your climate-controlled items in our facilities in Manhattan/The Bronx and Queens/Brooklyn. Our New York City-based buildings can hold your wine, art, furniture, luggage, household items, or other things.

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