11 DIY home staging tips before you sell your home or condo

So you’re about to sell your home or apartment and you need stage it. Staging a home doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, you can probably do it yourself. Here are 11 home staging tips before you sell your home or apartment:


First and most importantly is the cleaning process. A clean home is what will keep potential buyers looking. Here are the top places to clean:

1. Porch and/or front door

These are the first things viewers will see when entering the home. Having a clean porch and front door will invite them to look at the rest of the home.

2. Windows

Windows can collect grime from dust in the air. Clean the outside and inside of the windows to allow as much light in as possible.

3. Floors

Clean, streak-free floors are important to potential buyers. Sweep or vacuum to get rid of dirt.

4. Walls

Clean and/or touch up walls with spackle and fresh paint before allowing visitors.


Take out all things that are “eyesores” in the home or apartment you’re selling. Things like toys, wires, bags, or clothing can make the space look busy. Clean the area by putting these items away when people tour the home.

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Simple is best

Simple is the best approach for home staging. If you can, paint the kitchen and walls a consistent and complementary color that will work well together. Lighter colors tend to be more inviting and darker colors can be calm and soothing.

Inviting smells

Scents are often an overlooked aspect of home staging. Not only can a bad smell make a potential buyer not want to move in, but a good scent can also make them like the home more. Defuse essential oils or use a wall-plugin to make the home or apartment smell better.

More space

Remove unnecessary furniture pieces that have no bearing on the home. Move items to a storage unit to free up space. Less is more in home staging.

Natural light

Let natural light shine in all rooms. Open the blinds and curtains for a flood of natural light. Natural light does wonders for your health and well-being.

Add floral

The addition of floral or plants adds a feeling of cozy to the home or apartment. The human brain associates green flora to relaxation and comfort.

Arrange furniture

Put the furniture in a way that invites community and conversation. A kitchen table with chairs around and a couch with a chair across from it shows a place for a lively discussion.

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Remove pets

Pets are wonderful, but they can bring in dirt or shed fur. It’s best to keep the home or apartment clean and pets tend to bring unwanted debris.

Don’t forget the outside

The outside is just as important as the inside. Mow the lawn, prune the flowerbed, and trim branches. Manicure the outside before visitors arrive.

Stage in a way that they see themselves living there

One of the most important things you can do is stage the home in a way that makes them feel like they’re already living there. What we mean is to make it clean, cozy, organized, and livable. Contact a professional if you need help staging your home.

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