Public Storage: 5 Killer Ways to Store Furniture

Mini storage is often used for storing furniture long-term. Doing it right means saving valuable space in the unit. If you have extra room in your unit, it’s almost like throwing away money. Save your money when storing furniture by doing the following five (5) things.

Moishe’s Self Storage can hold your furniture items if you live in NYC. Use our room size calculator to get the most storage space for your dollar.

RELATED: Storing Your Furniture Like A Pro

Clean thoroughly

Cleaning your furniture before storage ensures it won’t rust, mold, tarnish, or warp when in the unit. Here’s how to clean items properly:

  • Dust surfaces with a microfiber cloth
  • Dip a separate microfiber cloth in a soap and water solution
  • Squeeze to let most of the water out so it’s damp
  • Gently clean the surface of the furniture pieces to remove any visible dust or dirt

Wood furniture needs special care. Ensure that it’s thoroughly cleaned and placed in a room with low humidity and non-fluctuating temperatures.

Glass is easy to store. Simply wrap in a protective outer-layer and place in a storage unit with no vibration.

Metal is generally easy to store, but make sure it’s stored somewhere with low humidity.


Take apart the furniture to allow for flexibility and less overall space. A table, for example, will use less space if it’s disassembled. Consider, however, the best way to use a table. It can double as a way to store items in a storage unit because it has an underneath and a top.

Other items, such as a couch, aren’t as easy to store. Cushions are the only thing to “disassemble.” Even then, it still takes up a lot of room.

Look at the furniture items you plan to store and ask yourself, “Is there a way to disassemble this so it saves overall space?” This simple question will help make the most of your storage unit.

Store in itself

Some large furniture items have room in itself for storage. An empty dresser can hold the feet from a table. An ottoman can hold the screws from a chair. The shelf can hold pillows from the couch. Use extra furniture space for your benefit!

Use blankets

Blankets make excellent packing material. Use them to wrap glass and other fragile items for added protection in a box. They can also protect tables and other furniture pieces from getting scratched or damaged.

Keep it all together

Keeping items together — especially small items — is key to being able to assemble them later. Screws, connectors, and tools should be kept in bags and taped to the furniture for later assembly.

Contact Moishe’s Self Storage if you’re looking for full-service mini storage for furniture. We have facilities in New York City to hold your pieces.

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